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HQ: How does Reverse-Engineering work?

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By: Carlo the Curious
Edited: 18/05/09 17:10

In order to build ships at the HQ you must obtain blueprints for each type of ship you wish to build.

One way to do this is to reverse-engineer ('RE') ships - the HQ's engineers and robots are highly skilled, and can produce a new set of blueprints by reverse-engineering any ship given to them.

To RE a ship it must be docked at the HQ. If you select the HQ and then Adjust Station Parameters (d key) you will see a list of currently docked ships that can be RE'd in the 'Add to Reverse Engineering Queue' section. Selecting a ship and pressing i or u will display the ship information, including the time it will take to RE the ship - anything from a few minutes to several days, depending on the ship type.

To add a ship to the RE queue, select it in the list in the 'Add to Reverse Engineering Queue' section, and press Enter (or double left-click). The ship will be added to the queue and (if there is nothing else in the queue) after a few seconds it will be removed from the queue and the reverse-engineering process will begin.

If you want to RE several types of ship you can add more ships to the queue in the same way. Ships in the RE queue are processed in the order they are added to the queue (first in, first out).

If the reverse-engineering process for a ship has not yet begun (i.e. the ship is still in the queue) you can remove it from the queue in the 'Remove from Reverse Engineering Queue' section in Adjust Station Parameters. If reverse-engineering has already begun (i.e. on the ship currently being RE'd) then the process cannot be stopped.

The list of ships currently in the RE queue can be seen in the HQ station information screen (u key), along with detailed information about the progress of the ship currently being RE'd. Note that once the RE process has begun the ship is not in the queue any more.

At the end of the RE process the ship type is added to the list of available blueprints, ready for production at the HQ. Unlike recycling a ship, no resources are recovered.

Important! Be aware that the reverse-engineering process completely destroys the ship being worked on, along with any cargo or equipment it may be carrying.

Note: this feature is only found at the HQ.

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