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X³: Terran Conflict

How do I use the jumpdrive?

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By: Carlo the Curious
Edited: 08/01/13 21:22

To jump to different sectors you first need a jumpdrive, and some energy cells. This FAQ article explains where you can buy a jumpdrive. Energy cells can be purchased from Solar Power Plants.
  1. To activate the jumpdrive you can either use Shift+j (only for your personal ship) or one of the jump commands in the Navigation menu in the command console. Note that jumping using a Navigation command will cause the autopilot to bring your ship to a stop before the jump commences.

  2. Whichever method you use, the galaxy map will be displayed so you can select the sector to jump to.

    As you change sectors on the galaxy map the energy cell cost for the jump will be displayed in the right panel of the map. For normal sectors, the cost is determined by the class of ship and by the number of sectors travelled (including your starting sector):
    • Small ship (M5/M4/M3) - 5 cells/sector
    • Big ship (TP/TS/TM/M8/M6) - 10 cells/sector
    • Huge ship (TL/M7/M2/M1) - 20 cells/sector

    For gateless sectors the cost is fixed, but still based on the class of ship:
    • Small ship - 60 cells
    • Big ship - 120 cells
    • Huge ship - 240 cells

  3. If the ship does not have enough energy cells onboard then the cost will be displayed in red.

  4. Once you have selected the correct sector, press Enter to confirm it. This will bring up the sector map. Now select the specific gate to jump to (unnecessary for gateless sectors) and press Enter again. The 10-second jump countdown will begin.
    If you're playing X3: Albion Prelude then some sectors will also contain jump beacons, which you can jump to. In contrast to gates, which are often located at the borders of the sector map, jump beacons can be found everywhere in the sector and might provide a shorter way to certain locations. Another difference to gates is that you must have enough notoriety (rank 3) with the owner race (usually the sector owner) of the jump beacon to jump to it.

  5. Note: You can abort the jump process by pressing Shift+j again before the countdown expires (although you will still use the allocated energy cells).

  6. Once the countdown has finished, the ship will jump to the selected sector and gate or beacon.

Note: It is not possible to jump to Trans-Orbital Accelerators, which connect most Terran sectors and the Albion sectors in X3AP.

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