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X³: Terran Conflict

What are race ranks?

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By: Carlo the Curious
Edited: 19/05/10 01:42

Your race ranks (also known as reputation or notoriety) are an indication of how you are regarded by each of the main races. There are 16 different ranks for each race, ranging from a hated enemy (-5) through neutral (0) to a trusted ally (10).

You can gain reputation with a race by:
  • Destroying race enemies in sectors owned by that race.

  • Trading with stations or ships owned by the race.

  • Successfully completing missions given by members of the race.

However, your reputation with a race can also decrease, if you:
  • Attack ships or installations owned by the race.

  • Attack ships or installations which are neutral or friendly to the race in race sectors.

  • Fail missions given by members of the race.

  • Get caught with illegal goods in race sectors.

  • Scan race ships in sectors owned by races you don't have a police license for.

Higher ranks get progressively harder to achieve, but allow access to better ships and equipment. Also note that negative actions generally have a larger impact than positive ones - the Boron will be much more annoyed by you destroying one of their M2s than they were impressed by you blowing up that Xenon M2.

The game stores your reputation internally as a number between plus or minus 1 milllion. Each 'title' is defined as a subset of that range (e.g. rank 1 is between 10 and 32). Note that the percentage shown on the pilot screen is an indication of your progress towards the next rank, not an overall percentage of your progress towards the highest rank.

The minimum reputation values for the various ranks are as follows:

10 333 333(to 1 000 000)
9 100 000
8 33 333
7 10 000
6 3 333
5 1 000
4 333
3 100
2 33
1 10
0 -10
-1 -100
-2 -1 000
-3 -10 000
-4 -100 000
-5 -1 000 000

Argon Ranks

10 Hero of the Federation
9 Protector of the Federation
8 Federation Overwatch
7 Federation Marshal
6 Federation Guardian
5 Trusted Ally
4 Accepted Adviser
3 Confirmed Friend
2 Federation Associate
1 Federation Member
0 Citizen
-1 Suspected Foe
-2 Known Antagonist
-3 Confirmed Insurgent
-4 Confirmed Enemy
-5 Enemy of the Federation

Boron Ranks

10 Knight of the Kingdom
9 King's Protectorate
8 King's Knight
7 Queen's Protectorate
6 Queen's Knight
5 Queen's Guard
4 Noble Peer
3 Trusted Courtier
2 Accepted Friend
1 Friend
0 Acquaintance
-1 Antagonist
-2 Confirmed Adversary
-3 Enemy of Menelaus
-4 Queen's Nemesis
-5 Enemy of the Kingdom

Split Ranks

10 Honoured Strong Arm of Rhonkar
9 Honoured Imperator of Rhonkar
8 Inner Circle of Rhonkar
7 Privileged Associate of Rhonkar
6 Family Protector
5 Distinguished Associate
4 Family Friend
3 Comrade
2 Friend
1 Known Venturer
0 Creature
-1 Shameless Creature
-2 Family Outcast
-3 Family Enemy
-4 Enemy of Rhonkar
-5 Enemy of all Split Families

Paranid Ranks

10 Honour Guard of Xaar
9 Seeker of the Holy Light
8 Emperor's Protectorate
7 Friend of Emperor
6 Priest Protectorate
5 Friend of Priest King
4 Friend of Priest Duke
3 Priest Confidante
2 Friend of Priest
1 Friend
0 Nomad
-1 Unholy Nomad
-2 Tainted Wanderer
-3 Desecrator of Holy Light
-4 Enemy of Priest Duke
-5 Enemy of Priest Xaar

Teladi Ranks

10 Company Director
9 Venture Capitalist
8 Venture Profiteer
7 Company Owner
6 Company Manager
5 Majority Shareholder
4 Shareholder
3 Company Trader
2 Company Helper
1 Profit Opportunity
0 Profit Initiate
-1 Profit Liability
-2 Mercantile Rebel
-3 Commercial Anarchist
-4 Commercial Enemy
-5 Enemy of the Corporation

Goner Ranks

10 Protector of the Goners
9 Holy Order Of The Goners
8 Evangelist
7 Preacher
6 Honoured Pilgrim
5 Trusted Pilgrim
4 Faithful Believer
3 Believer
2 Follower
1 Accepted Member
0 Sceptic
-1 Agnostic
-2 Heathen
-3 Blasphemer
-4 Heretic
-5 Defiler of the Truth

Terran Ranks

10 Hero of Sol
9 Solar Sentinel
8 Guardian of Earth
7 Planetary Senator
6 Servant of Terra
5 Warrior of Io
4 Marshall of Mars
3 Senatorial Advisor
2 Regional Representative
1 Local Councillor
0 Citizen
-1 Revolutionary
-2 Renegade
-3 Insurgent
-4 Terrorist
-5 Enemy of Sol

ATF Ranks

Note: For games where the Terran Conflict plot is enabled, it's generally only possible to increase your ATF rank by doing the plot.

10 Command Access
9 Operations Access
8 Research Access
7 Earth Access
6 Lunar Access
5 Mercury Access
4 Venus Access
3 Mars Access
2 Asteroid Belt Access
1 Outer System Access
0 No System Access
-1 Suspect Programmer
-2 Tech Fugitive
-3 Known AGI Sympathiser
-4 Illegal AGI Developer
-5 Nemesis


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